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Cms Maintenance scripts


inicrond is an education-oriented content management system. It is written in php and supports MySQL. The name comes from Network of Interactive Courses Registred On a Net Domain. ...


phpMyClub is a CMS written in PHP for sport associations. It provides fonctionnalities such as dynamic news publication, photo gallery, results and games schedules.The script is very easy to install, use and customize to suit your needs. It does not depend on your operating system. ...


EZAdmin is a PHP content management system. Features: - purely object-oriented, - has a rich administration interface, - supports themes using a very thorough API, - strives to be compatible with other tools via PEAR. ...


MyPHPSchool, intends to provide, modular and easy to modify content managment system specialized for K-12 Schools written in PHP, and using a MySQL database. Other Features include a Calendar, a Web Based Gradebook, and Remote File Acess for users. ...

Page Manager

Page Manager is a content management system (CMS) for sites that does not need (or cannot have) a database back-end. Instead it uses the HTML-files itself as storage. This makes it ideal for static (or semi-static) websites that does not need to be updated every second, but need an web-based editing/management ...


From now on you no more need a database in the back to provide dynamicly generated pages on your web site. We are able to offer a product wich is easy to use for every newbie and buisness partner. Miplex is your best solution for small and medium sized amateur and ...

B net Software

B-net Software is a PHP & MySQL web project of a personal content management system which includes news articles, photo gallery, polls, guestbook, shoutbox, clickable smilies, english and swahili languges (and felxibility for transaltions into more languages) and theming. ...


LoveCMS is a very simple content managment system written in PHP and using MySQL database. Its main goal is to be simple and effective. You can extend your basic installation with modules and change the way your site looks with themes. You don't have to read tons of documentation to start. ...


FAR-PHP is an open-source project to create a CMS (content management system) that may be used inside any web page in order to manage the content of that site. It is composed of modules written in PHP language and it uses a MySQL database. It is a CMS (Content Management System), ...

CMS Conference Management System

CMS is built based on the SOA design principle and it offers a nice looking web UI and a simple web service interface. It utilizes maven2, struts2, axis2, jboss, ejb3 and many other java technologies and tools. This project implements a conference management system (CMS) that allows the submission and review ...

Cms Maintenance scripts download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates scripts information of cms maintenance full scripts versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Using warez version or not proper cms maintenance script install is risk. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, cms maintenance torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, Letitbit, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, MyOtherDrive or MediaFire, are not allowed!