Dia2Code 0.8.3

Dia2Code 0.8.3 Download Summary

  • Language: C/C++
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
  • License: GPL - GNU Public License
  • Databases: N/A
  • Downloads: 649
  • Released: Jun 15, 2007

Dia2Code 0.8.3 Description

Dia2Code is a small utility used to generate code from a Dia diagram.

Dia2Code basically reads a Dia diagram file that contains an UML class diagram and creates files in the language of choice that contain the bare bones of the classes represented in the diagram. Features:
- Reads UML diagrams.
- Can handle UML - Generalization, UML - Realization, UML - Implements, UML - Association and UML - Dependency.
- Selective code generation.
- User-defined output directory.
- Stereotype handling: interfaces, abstract classes.
- "Import" and "include" based on the parent classes, the type of attributes and return type of methods iff they're declared in the same diagram.
- Support for JavaBeans(tm): will create automagically methods to access and modify each attribute.
- Template and Package handling.
- Custom code generator modules that are loaded on-the-fly.
- Generates code for: Ada, C, C , Java, PHP, PHP5, Python, Ruby, shapefile, SQL and C#.

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Dia2Code 0.8.3 Script Download Notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates information of Dia2Code 0.8.3 script from the developer, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

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Violet UML Editor

... to learn and use. - Draws nice-looking diagrams. - Completely free. - Cross-platform. Violet ... and authors who need to produce simple UML diagrams quickly.It draws nice-looking - use case diagrams - class diagrams - object diagrams - state diagrams - activity diagrams - sequence diagrams ...


This Web based PHP Code builder will help the developers and the normal users to create php code with few clicks. ...


... that you are able to create nice UML diagrams for documentation and to assist you with design ... developed in Gaphor itself! - The following diagram types are supported: - Class diagrams - Use case diagrams - Action diagrams - Component diagrams - Support for stereotypes on classes, ...


PHPSitemap is a sitemapping utility written in PHP. It has been tested on Windows 2000, Apache/1.3.23, and PHP 4.1.1. It features a pluggable architecture, HTML/PDF processing, and the ability to sort by title/filename asc/desc on a per-directory basis. ...


Cflow2vcg converts the result of the cflow utility in a VCG format. It offers the ability to view graphically the call-graph of sources, and import it in documentation. ...