Debug statements include function name

Debug statements include function name 1.0

Debug statements include function name 1.0 Download Summary

  • Language: Python
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
  • License: Other Free / Open Source License - Python License
  • Databases: N/A
  • Downloads: 415
  • Released: Jun 7, 2007

Debug statements include function name 1.0 Description

This script allows a user to place debug messages, error messages and standard messages throughout a program.

The function name and line number will be added to each debug and error message before it is printed out. In addition, each of these messages can be passed to multiple handler objects that can direct the output to log files, e-mails, stdout, etc.

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Print Hook

... all output directed to stdout (e.g by print statements) and stderr and redirects it to a user defined function. ...

Debug runtime objects using gc get objects

Since Python 2.2 there is a handy function in the Garbage Collection Module called get_objects(). It gives back a list of all objects that are under control of the Garbeage Collector. This script implements a way you can extract informations of your application in runtime.The example dumps a list of ...

Trace expressions and comments in debug mode

This script acts like a stepping debugger to diagnose and fix your programs. It contains functions for log state and execution flow. ...


... script is a convenient way to deeply nest try/finally statements. It is appropriate for complicated resource initialization and ... you need to create the list dynamically) this function is appropriate. ...

How to disable debug logging in release version

... its a good idea to disable all the debug messages. It is possible via custom configuring debug levels at all modules, but may be implemented using a simple wrapper around logging.getnted usinfunction. ...