Debug runtime objects using gc get objects

Debug runtime objects using gc.get_objects() 1.0

Debug runtime objects using gc.get_objects() 1.0 Download Summary

  • Language: Python
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
  • License: Other Free / Open Source License - Python License
  • Databases: N/A
  • Downloads: 428
  • Released: Jun 7, 2007

Debug runtime objects using gc.get_objects() 1.0 Description

Since Python 2.2 there is a handy function in the Garbage Collection Module called get_objects(). It gives back a list of all objects that are under control of the Garbeage Collector.

This script implements a way you can extract informations of your application in runtime.

The example dumps a list of all higher level objects. At first it gets the list of all objects, than tests if they are higher level and in the end it it tests if it is not in the list of objects that are more or less always there.

Debug runtime objects using gc.get_objects() 1.0 Keywords

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Debug statements include function name

This script allows a user to place debug messages, error messages and standard messages throughout a ... and line number will be added to each debug and error message before it is printed out. ... these messages can be passed to multiple handler objects that can direct the output to log files, e-mails, ...

Grouping objects into disjoint sets

... class provides a lightweight way to group arbitrary objects together into disjoint sets when a full-blown graph data structure would be overkill. Objects can be joined using .join(), tested for connectedness using joined(), and all disjoint sets can be retreived using get(). The objects being joined must be hashable. ...

Create objects from variable class names

Sometimes you would want to create objects from various classes based on some condition (without using eval()). For example when parsing X(HT)ML files you want to handle some tags using specific classes. This script is an example in this sense. ...

Stateful Objects use Mix ins to define behaviour

If you want to implement stateful objects, which have a different set of behaviours according ... object. This is a clean way of providing objects with standard interfaces. ...

Loose Coupling

... "broadcaster" and "broker" modules enable loose coupling between objects in a running application. ...