Zone 1.01

Zone 1.01 Download Summary

  • Language: PHP
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / BSD
  • License: GPL - GNU Public License
  • Databases: MySQL
  • Downloads: 399
  • Released: Jun 14, 2007

Zone 1.01 Description

Are in wrong categories.

- You can define how many method of ship you need (inside file).
- You can define how many zones for each method you need (inside file).
- You should use tax-zones like ship-zones to define destination area.
- I prepare cost of ship for Poczta-Polska to all Country in Europe
- Calculate of tax (test it)).
- You can named self each methode of ship (to use in other modules - payment),
- Easy to clone module (one place for change in each function class & constructor-name).
- Add COD (Cost Cash On Delivery). Calculate separatly for each metod & zone are:
With or Without Tax. 
- Cost of ship calculate by scope (like standart table/zones module) but,
the end of scope can by like this:
packet 4kg, cost = 20
packet 31kg, cost = 35

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Zone 1.01 Script Download Notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates information of Zone 1.01 script from the developer, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

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Shipping Zones

... a "rest of the world" table calculation for zones shipping module. 1. UK zone 2. IT, FRzone 3. Rest of the world ...

UK Postal Rates

... existing "Zone Rate" and increased the number of zones to 4 this gives me Zone 1 for United Kingdom (GB), Zone 2 for European Countries, Zone 3 for World Zone1, and Zone 4 for World Zone2. ALL of the Zones are from the UK Royal Mail "Your Guide ... "Standard International Services and Prices (July 2002)".The second zone rate (Zone2) is a copy of the .php ...

Patchs for shipping worldwild international

Now you can leave one zone blank which means that this zone contains all the countries in the world except those have been listed in other zones. For example, there are two zones currently defined, zone 1 and zone 2.In zone 1, the countries are US and CA. Then if zone 2 is blank, all the countries in the ...

SEUR Nacional Spain Portugal

... calculates the expenses of shipment to a certain zone, applying a fixed tariff of expedition plus a ... no weight for the shipments. The number of zones is formable, that is to say, it is possible to be formed from a zone in ahead. By defect the module is formed to support a zone. ...

Local Delivery Option

... for this service. Also, you can create a Zone entry that will restrict visability of the module to only those in that zone (state, city, county, whatever). Many thanks to dion for the SPU module. ...