Tigermouse 1.7

Tigermouse 1.7 Download Summary

  • Language: PHP
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
  • License: LGPL - GNU Lesser General Public License
  • Databases: N/A
  • Downloads: 685
  • Released: May 24, 2008

Tigermouse 1.7 Description

Tigermouse is a modern web applications framework for PHP.

It relies on AJAX technology, so in pair with being lightweight enables you to build dynamic, responsive and interactive web applications.

It is well suited for enterprise-grade tasks because of its strong commitment to server-side business logic processing. Tigermouse does not require any Javascript coding, so you can focus on your application core logic instead of tinkering in UI.

Noteworthy features are:
- full native AJAX support
- MVC architecture
- pluggable input/output filters
- AJAX requests queuing and expiring
- powerful ActiveRecord implementation
- SWT or GTK#-like user interface implementation
- extensible i18n support
- native support for Smarty templates
- built-in development tools
Tigermouse is ready to use straight away. No configuration is needed.

Design principles

The most important design principle of Tigermouse is to be ready for enterprise grade appliances. The other just follows this requirement:
- Perform business processing at the server side.
- Be lightweight.
- Be strictly MVC architecture compliant.
- No Javascript coding needed.
- Zero configuration, works out of the box.
- Be data source independent.
Key applications

Tigermouse is solid foundation for rapid development of highly interactive web applications. It is well suited for business grade applications - CRM, accounting, stock management, logistics among them.

It does not work like regular web page, therefore it does not work well as framework for portals, forums, polls, blogs or other URL-dependent applications.

Tigermouse aims to support major modern web browsers, Mozilla Firefox 2 , Opera 9 and Internet Explorer 7 . At current stage some tihngs may be broken, but all mentioned browsers will get full support.


· A web server with PHP 5 enabled
· json extension for PHP (bundled with PHP 5.2+)
· Smarty template engine

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Top 4 Download periodically updates information of Tigermouse 1.7 script from the developer, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

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