Send an HTML email

Send an HTML email 1.0

Send an HTML email 1.0 Download Summary

  • Language: Python
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
  • License: Other Free / Open Source License - Python License
  • Databases: N/A
  • Downloads: 475
  • Released: Jun 12, 2007

Send an HTML email 1.0 Description

HTML is the method of choice for those wishing to send emails with rich text, layout and graphics. Often it is desirable to embed the graphics within the message so recipients can display the message directly, without further downloads.

Some mail agents don't support HTML or their users prefer to receive plain text messages. Senders of HTML messages should include a plain text message as an alternate for these users.

This script sends a short HTML message with a single embedded image and an alternate plain text message.

Send an HTML email Bookmark

Hyperlink code:
Hyperlink for Forum code:

Send an HTML email 1.0 Script Download Notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates information of Send an HTML email 1.0 script from the developer, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Our script download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website. Send an HTML email 1.0 torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, MailBigFile, DropSend, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MediaMax, zUpload, MyOtherDrive, SendSpace, DepositFiles, Letitbit, LeapFile, DivShare or MediaFire, are not allowed!

Contact Form

... on your website in order to allow others to send you email through a web interface. Unlike other web to email gateways, Contact Form is designed to thwart spammers. It does not allow email to be sent to unknown addresses, nor does ... reveal addresses that it knows. Features: - Allow email to be sent to a list of known ...


... to contact you without them knowing your real email address. On great feature of this script is ... to allow users to attach multiple files when sending an email directly from your site. Of course, you can ... extension list. Another popular use for a php email form is protection against spam bots. Spam, is ...

MIMEmail Perl

If you want to send HTML mails including images and stylesheets, or want to attach files - this script is for you. Images and files will be included into the mail body and will be sent to ...


... script for? Basically, if you just want to send a simple message with plain text and don't ... the PHP mail-function. However, if you want to send HTML mails including images and stylesheets, or want to ...


... Client ActiveX Component that is used to deliver email messages directly to the server of the recipient, ... Hostname property. It includes several one-line methods for sending entire email (including attachments). It can also load prepared messages ... other client), reformat it, change its properties, and send automatically.Using wodSmtp you can easily get create new ...