Raid Planner for World of Warcraft

Raid Planner for World of Warcraft 0.6.1

Raid Planner for World of Warcraft 0.6.1 Download Summary

  • Language: PHP
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
  • License: GPL - GNU Public License
  • Databases: MySQL
  • Downloads: 998
  • Released: Oct 11, 2007

Raid Planner for World of Warcraft 0.6.1 Description

Raid Planner for World of Warcraft is a web-based tool written in PHP to help organising raids and group to high level dungeons.

It aims to remain simple, oversightful and intuitive. It does not try to use complicated mechanics to form raid groups, it simply aims to replace the often-used method of using forums to organise these raids, by making it more automated and oversightful.

This features listing is only to give a basic idea:
- Written in PHP (supporting v4.3.0 and up), and uses a MySQL database.
- Creation of accounts under which characters can be configured along the specifications of the in-game character.
- All races and classes are accounted for. Alliance cannot sign up to Horde events and vice versa.
- All common high-level dungeons supported, from Stratholme and Scholomance to Naxxramas, aswell as a number of outdoor raid bosses and all battlegrounds.
- Keys owned and access quests (attunements) achieved for certain dungeons can also be noted in the character info, and is suggested.
- Signing up for dungeons that require access quests/attunements to be done blocks signup for character's who's info shows they haven't done the quest/attunement.
- Creation of events on the planner, either a Dungeon, Outdoor Raid Boss or Battlground event can be arranged.
- When organising an event a few options can be set (i.e. time and date, level range), and a note can be set by the organiser that is viewable by all.
- An already created event can be edited to change the date and time or note by the event's organiser, or the event can be removed entirely.
- People can sign up their characters to events, and additionally leave notes that can only be seen by themselves and the event's organiser.
- Events use a signup pool. The organiser of the raid/group can pick from the signup list who goes onto the final list.
- When a row of character data is shown, it is always coloured to indicate the class, for easy spotting. The colours are based off the default in-game raid class colours.

Raid Planner for World of Warcraft 0.6.1 Keywords

Raid Planner for World of Warcraft Bookmark

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Raid Planner for World of Warcraft 0.6.1 Script Download Notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates information of Raid Planner for World of Warcraft 0.6.1 script from the developer, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

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