Pipe convenience function for doing pipes

Pipe convenience function for doing pipes 1.0

Pipe convenience function for doing pipes 1.0 Download Summary

  • Language: Python
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
  • License: Other Free / Open Source License - Python License
  • Databases: N/A
  • Downloads: 349
  • Released: Jun 7, 2007

Pipe convenience function for doing pipes 1.0 Description

This script allows that arbitrary number of commands to be strung together with each one feeding into the next ones input.

Pipe convenience function for doing pipes 1.0 Keywords

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Extract a inner function from a class

This function can extract a inner function from a class or a function. It may be useful when writing a unit test code. ...

Finding the value passed to a function by name

Sometimes inside a decorator that creates a function with a generic (*args, **kwargs) signature, you want to access a value passed for a particular parameter name to a wrapped function, but don't know whether that value will be ... positional or keyword argument, or whether the wrapped function defines a default value for the parameter. This script ...

Function emulation using call

... a simple but useful class that emulates a function to gracefully permit latent assignment. In other words, you can use the emulating class as a valid function in assignments with the ability to later associate a function to perform the actual operations. ...

Function composition

This script contains two classes that show two styles of function composition. The difference is only when the second function (g) returns a tuple. compose function passes the results of g as a tuple, mcompose ... as extra args to f(there is no standard functional behavior here to follow). ...

Obtaining the name of a function method

... obtain the name of a method or a function from within the running method/function. ...