Personal Online Database

Personal Online Database 5.32

Personal Online Database 5.32 Download Summary

  • Language: C/C++
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
  • License: Freeware
  • Databases: N/A
  • Downloads: 754
  • Released: Dec 6, 2007

Personal Online Database 5.32 Description

Personal Online Database (POD) is a powerful C cgi script that creates and manages a database for you. It can be customized into different databases that co-exist on the same web server.

The html interface to access the database is fully customizable---Write your own html pages completely to your taste or use included templates. Database can be searched and sorted in various modes, and can be password protected on whole file or individual entry level.

You can add, change, delete entries online and administer DB configurations online. The database is also highly scalable, with excellent protection against database corruption due to power failure, concurrent user access or user/server error. Support storage of different data types. POD will automatically generate counting statistics for individual entries and report errors and statistics by email.

You will be able to convert your existing database files (in csv format) to format recognized by this program. No programming skill are required. (Knowledge about html is highly recommended and some knowledge about cgi is recommended, though).

Html interface completely customizable. Unlike with some software where you do not actually have complete control over the so-called fully customizable html interface, with POD you can practically design the html interface completely by yourself.

Then you add a set of POD-specific tags to let POD provide data to be displayed in your page. In one sentence, you provide the interface, POD takes care of the data and display. In fact, you can even use a different language like Spanish or Chinese for your DB when you design your own interface. In addition, if you do not want to design your own html interface, a variety of templates are included for a quick setup of your DB.

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Top 4 Download periodically updates information of Personal Online Database 5.32 script from the developer, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

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