Merging sorted iterables

Merging sorted iterables 1.2

Merging sorted iterables 1.2 Download Summary

  • Language: Python
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
  • License: Other Free / Open Source License - Python License
  • Databases: N/A
  • Downloads: 372
  • Released: Jun 7, 2007

Merging sorted iterables 1.2 Description

This script helps you to merge sorted iterables, preserving ordering,without consuming iterables (and computing time) unnecessarily.

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Merge sorted sequences

The usual approach to merging is to loop through both sequences taking the ... underlying sequences and will run a C speed merge on the data. So, all that is involved is concatenating the sequences and running a sort. ...

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... hull algorithm is Graham's scan, using a coordinate-based sorted order rather than the more commonly seen radial sorted order. A rotating calipers algorithm generates candidate pairs of vertices for the diameter calculation. Care was taken handling tricky cases such as pairs of ...

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