infobox color changes easier

infobox color changes easier

infobox color changes easier Download Summary

  • Language: PHP
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / BSD
  • License: GPL - GNU Public License
  • Databases: MySQL
  • Downloads: 488
  • Released: Jun 13, 2007

infobox color changes easier Description

There are two scripts here:

generate corners.php is a simple script to generate the corners. Put it in the images/infobox directory and make it writable by the web server then point at it. It will create the three infobox corner files in png (or gif if you have that compiled in) from the #rrbbgg color and show you the results. When pointed at it will guide you through.

corners.php is a dynamic replacement for the corner images. Unfortunately, it's just an example. The dynamics of it are mediocre, because the color is a simple php definition rather than pulling from a database. However, pulling from a database wouldn't make sense unless stylesheet.css did also.

Info for corner.php:

This is a simple replacement for those images. Takes arguments like so:
corner.php&l=l == corner_left.gif
corner.php&l=r == corner_right.gif
corner.php&l=rl == corner_right_left.gif

anything else is like rl

At the moment the color needs to be changed by hand, but I can only see two possible options (parsing the css in the corner.php would be difficult):

-php stylesheet with flat file defining colors
-php stylesheet with colors coming from sql
this could be rough on a database because css is called a lot

If the stylesheet were php then you could have the admin module change the colors pretty easily. You could also maintain themes for customers a bit easier.

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infobox color changes easier Script Download Notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates information of infobox color changes easier script from the developer, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

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Infobox with many products

... can be configured using the admin interface. The infoboxes specials.php and whats_new.php are provided ready for use.It ... straightforward to add this feature in any other infobox. Use the files provided as examples.There are instructions for the installation process.Require modifications on catalog/includes/boxes/specials.phpcatalog/includes/boxes/whats_new.phpcatalog/includes/functions/gen eral.php (one function needs to be replaced) ...

Infobox Header Images

The images in this file are copyright 2002 They are only for initial testing and are required to be replaced with your own. ...

Quick Research Infobox with Page Result

... is returned).The "advanced search page" and "quick find infobox" are not more necessary. This contributions is great for use with Gift Voucher or Credit Class. ...

2CheckOut Certified Seller InfoBox

This will add a Certified Seller InfoBox To Your Website. ...

Store Width and Color INSTANT Changer

... changing your store's width, and your store's background color's (both inside the store, and outside of the store) in an INSTANT!Currently, to change your store's width...etc, you have to go into all of the loose files in your oscommerce catalog/ directory and change each one of them whenever you want ...