Funkboard PHP 0.5.1

Funkboard PHP 0.5.1 Download Summary

  • Language: PHP
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
  • License: Other Free / Open Source License
  • Databases: MySQL / PostgreSQL
  • Downloads: 704
  • Released: Feb 20, 2008

Funkboard PHP 0.5.1 Description

Funkboard is a PHP-based message board. It uses PHP, and works with any PHP version.

It needs a MySQL database for storing information. It creates pages with from a library-type thingy, which makes changing the style pretty simple.

Features:- Cookies save username and password
- Cookies store your last visit, the board will show you which posts are new since you last visited
- Search Function
- Edit Messages
- Signatures- can be disabled by by administrator
- Users can retrieve lost passwords
- View categories on their own
- Private Forums
- Mass delete Messages
- Member System, with profiles
- Categories and forums
- Moderators with power only in specific forums
- Original ranks can be edited
- New ranks can be added
- Easy to use admin interface
- Design info is stored in templates, so it's easy to change
- Main page design is in html.php- it's editable HTML
- Private Messaging Add-on
- Who's online add-on

Funkboard PHP Bookmark

Hyperlink code:
Hyperlink for Forum code:

Funkboard PHP 0.5.1 Script Download Notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates information of Funkboard PHP 0.5.1 script from the developer, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Our script download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website. Funkboard PHP 0.5.1 torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, MailBigFile, DropSend, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MediaMax, zUpload, MyOtherDrive, SendSpace, DepositFiles, Letitbit, LeapFile, DivShare or MediaFire, are not allowed!

Message board script

MBoard is a PHP message board script (a simple forum). It is ideal for webmasters who don't need or want big (and empty) forums on their sites and are looking for a smaller, simple yet effective message board.This message board doesn't require any SQL databases. It stores all ... is usually the ase with larger flat-text database message boards).Features include support for smileys, instant "New post" notification, ...

Simple Forum PHP

This is a very simple PHP message board with integrated spam protection. It supports smilies / multiple languages, requires a MySQL databaseIt is very easy to install and use. You can customize to suit your needs by configuring the appropriate variablesThis script was tested with the following systems and browsers: ...


... is your answer to an extremely fast, customizable messageboard system using PHP and MySQL. The entire source ... and integration capabilities, Muller is the best PHP-based board available. ...


WWWBoard is a threaded World Wide Web discussion forum and message board, which allows users to post new messages, followup to existing ones and more.Features: - HTML ... an incremented number up to 99999 so that messages won't overlap, like they could have with the ...


forumFR is a php forum, using mysql for topics index and xml for ... seems to run very well, faster than a phpbb forum. ...