Chromeless window

Chromeless window

Chromeless window Download Summary

  • Language: JavaScript
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
  • License: Freeware
  • Databases: N/A
  • Downloads: 399
  • Released: Apr 2, 2007

Chromeless window Description

A chromeless window is a special type of window stripped of the conventional interface, such as titlebar, browser buttons, status bar etc (aka chrome).
This script allows you to implement your own chrome, from how the title bar should look, the buttons to display (ie: close, max), to whether to render a border. In other words, complete control over the window's look.

Chromeless window Bookmark

Hyperlink code:
Hyperlink for Forum code:

Chromeless window Script Download Notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates information of Chromeless window script from the developer, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

Our script download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website. Chromeless window torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, MailBigFile, DropSend, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, MediaMax, zUpload, MyOtherDrive, SendSpace, DepositFiles, Letitbit, LeapFile, DivShare or MediaFire, are not allowed!

Auto Maximize Window

Auto Maximize Window is a simple script that automatically maximises the browser window when it is loaded within a webpage. ...

Web Window Manager

Web Window Manager is a PHP set of classes for dynamic window managment and creation inside a web application. They pvovide you a lot of possibilities when you are workinh with dynamic web sites. ...

Open select links in new window

... links on your page open in a new window, and with greater control than HTML's "target" attribute.You can designate arbitrary links- ... entire groups of links- open in a new window by doing one of the following: 1) Give ... group of links to open in a new window, wrap them all inside a container with class="nwindowcontainer", ...

Open offsite links in new window

... have all offsite links open in a new window, or let the user decide, via a checkbox. ... of excluded domains will open in a new window. In the later, a checkbox is displayed letting the user decide how these offsite links should open. - In "manual" mode, cookies are ...

DOM Drag Drop script

... make it instantly dragable. The script also fires three custom event handlers that let your page sense and react to the dragging in some fashion. ...